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Meeting Minutes

Minutes are available for the following seasons:
2009-10 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24  


Season 2023-24

Monday 12 August 2024 at the Binningup Clubhouse

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Three Grahams, a Graeme and Tom, Ron, Chris and Robin.

Dennis Scoble, Brian Pink.

Minutes of the 2023 AGM:
Accepted as a true and accurate record (of course).

Business arising:
The Ball in Bunker rule was discussed briefly in terms of various likely bunker scenarios. To be further discussed in Other Business.

The issue of future Away games was deferred for later discussion.

Election of Office Bearers:
The position of President was raised, Tom suggesting opening up all the positions. He was comprehensively outstared by the President!

Dennis confirmed as Handicapper with Graham Little to cover in Dennis’s absence. Otherwise no change to entrenched positions.

Treasurer’s Report:
Balance of funds at 30 June 2024 was a solid $1,032, Binningup surpluses making a significant contribution to Income of $411. Expenditure included $120 for cart subsidies at Joondalup which will continue in the new season.

The club recently incurred website costs of $396 for 3 years hosting.

Subscriptions: The Treasurer proposed that the $20 annual subscription remain this season to help cover website hosting expenditure.

Playing fees at Hamersley: Hamersley fees are not yet known. Therefore the weekly fee (workers/non-workers) yet to be decided.

Ball Purchases: The current practice of player donations is providing varying quality golf balls. The Treasurer suggested purchasing season requirements of the recommended make of ball taking into account special offers. Srixon Greens were put up as a recommendation.

Tom Joseph to investigate ball options taking into account quality and cost. Ten dozen balls required.

Golf Captain’s Report:
The club recorded its strongest attendance for a few years, averaging 7.3 per week.

The golf program went well except for some uncertainty over the future viability of Araluen. The opening of the new Hamersley clubhouse, possibly in October, is something to look forward to.

President’s Report:
The President has had a lot of interest from people outside the club in what we do and how we do it. This is not to imply that we should increase our membership.

The fixtures worked really well. A later tee off time of 10.30 a.m. was flagged but the suggestion needs further consideration. In the meantime, we should stay with current arrangements until all members have reached retirement.

The President thanked all who arranged after game coffees/eats early in the season.

Fixtures 2024-25:
Several recommendations for change to the draft fixtures were made:

  • Delay the Club Championships and Golden Putter until the new year;
  • Move the Christmas Cup to Monday 23rd December with follow-up breakfast at the Joseph residence should the day change suit them;
  • Move South of the River Day 1 from Tuesday 31 to Monday 30 December and consider playing at Gosnells Golf Club.

Seaview fixture – Andrew McLennan may be able to assist by speaking to a mate at Seaview. A later start may be required.

Araluen fixture – Queried whether playing there was too expensive. An alternative may be playing at Melville Glades on Monday 17th March subject to advice from Chris Jackson.

Golden Putter was confirmed as a Stroke event.

Extended season. A suggestion was made to extend the season to the end of April and was agreed to unanimously.

Later Hamersley start time. Later starts at Hamersley was proposed as well as looking at the prospect of teeing off on the 1st tee. To be decided at a future meeting.

Hamersley’s New Booking System. Graeme noted that the new Hamersley booking system has “issues”. There’s a need to confirm Hamersley’s acceptance of season pre-booking. Graeme will contact Hamersley and email the discussion outcomes and notional fixtures.

Away Events:
2025 Mornington Masters: It was agreed in principle to conduct this event again in March and excluding clashes with long weekends. Various locations were put forward including the Hunter Valley. As previous Mornington Masters winner, Chris Jackson to put forward options for where the competition is played and for how many days.
2025 South West Open: Noted as a fallback option if Mornington Masters does not go ahead.

Other Business:

Local Rules:
Ball in Bunker:A number of ball in bunker scenarios were discussed in the context of the current ruling (. . . take relief by placing the ball within a club length of the original lie, within the bunker and not nearer the hole) particularly the situation where a ball in a bunker is plugged. It was decided that the current rule remain as is.

Meeting closed at 1915 (the aromas from the Roast Pork was too much).


Season 2022-23

Monday 21 August 2023 at the Binningup Clubhouse

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Two Grahams and a Graeme and 5 others (Tom, Ron, Chris, Robin and Brian).

Dennis (recuperating), Squancey (bending bananas), Terry (no excuse).

Minutes of the 2022 AGM:
So brilliantly recorded were the 2022 Minutes that they were accepted as read.
Moved: Chris Jackson; Seconded: Ron Allardice

Business arising:
There was no business arising from the 2022 Minutes.

Election of Office Bearers:
Ron Allardice repeated the 2022 mantra: “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it”. It was unanimously agreed that all positions remain unchanged.

President’s Report:
There were sighs of relief when the President announced that he had left his report file at home. But he did confirm that we had all done very well. It was a good year and we always come up with a good formula that works. A most successful season.

Treasurer’s Report:
Balance of funds at 30 June 2023 was a solid $848, with Income boosted by levies at Hamersley of $2 per player totalling $268 added to Subscriptions ($200) and Binningup surpluses ($280). Expenditure comprised only 2 items, the largest being MM8 subsidies of $739.

Subscriptions: The Treasurer posed the question whether annual subscriptions remain at $20.
      Annual subs remaining at $20 was unanimously agreed to.

Playing fees at Hamersley: Hamersley have set fees for 9 holes midweek at $20 for concession players ($18 last season). The Treasurer proposed keeping fees at $20 from a practical viewpoint even though this means foregoing the levy income achieved last season ($268).
      The $20 playing fee was unanimously agreed to.

Suggested Extraordinary Expenditure in 2023-24: The Treasurer called for suggestions for possible new expenditure in 2023-24. The suggestion was put to buy new club caps. Mr Walker indicated he was travelling to Bali in October and could investigate sourcing caps. If the club OTT standard was to be maintained, the concensus was for caps and hat bands.
      Graham Walker to take responsibility for investigating the purchase of new caps and hat bands.

Full Treasurer's Report

Golf Captain’s Report:
Another successful year with good attendances. The donation of a dozen golf balls has also been a good innovation.

Fixtures 2023-24:
The draft fixtures presented were similar to last season. It was noted that:
– South of the River courses were subject to change pending their availability;
– Look at the opportunity for a sons/visitors day trying for one of the South of the River fixtures but remaining flexible.

The question was put: Is 2 groups at Hamersley enough? That old ABS stager Ken "Maggie" Clarke is getting back into golf and there was a suggestion to ask him for a few games. With Peter Crowe not playing this season, the feeling of the meeting was that 2 groups would be enough.
      Graeme McLennan to negotiate the proposed fixtures with Hamersley

Away Events:
Mandurah Masters: Though usually held during the first long weekend in March, the mood was to avoid playing a long weekend. A proposal was put for an April event - early to mid.
      Ron Allardice to negotiate the proposal with Les Gray
2023 Binningup Open:
Ron advised the dates as 14th to 18th November with golf on 15th (Wednesday) to 17th (Friday). An Event Co-ordinator is required with the position to be sorted closer to the event. Any game played on the way down won't count as part of the competition.
2024 Winter Trophy: Playing dates are 19th and 20th August (Monday/Tuesday).
2024 Binningup Open: Playing dates are 13th to 15th November (Wednesday to Friday)
2025 Mornington Masters 9: To be discussed. There was some discussion around the length of future Mornington Masters and the number of games played given we are an ageing club with varying member physical capacities.
Binningup Events: Ron raised the issue of later teeoff times for future events, something agreed as a future discussion item.

Other Business:

Local Rules:
– Lost Ball/Ball Out of Bounds. Previously both circumstances incurred a 2 stroke penalty. It was proposed that the
   penalty be reduced to 1 stroke and the ball placed on the fairway at the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole.
   The proposal was agreed to
Unplayable Ball: Previously there were three relief options for an unplayable ball which incurred a one stroke
   penalty. It was proposed that the relief options be dropped and that an unplayable ball, including one in a penalty area,
   be placed on the fairway at the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole.
   The proposal was agreed to
Ball in Bunker: Discussion centred on the situation where a ball in a bunker lies in unraked footprints, sand piles, is
   plugged, etc. It was proposed that the player pick up, rake and place in such circumstances.
   The proposal was agreed to in principle. Chris Jackson to provide Robin with wording to cover this situation

Meeting closed at 1818 (from the official Hawthorn FC member's wristwatch).


Season 2021-22

Monday 22 August 2022 at the Binningup Clubhouse

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Three Grahams (no “e’s”) and 4 others (Tom, Ron, Chris, Robin). Phil Hipsley provided a little decorum.

Dennis (paying lip service), Brian (bending bananas), Macca (needs a leg up).

The President noted an apology for Tom who responded with a suggestion for a change of our Constitution.

Business arising:
It was noted that the comment in relation to the South West Masters “It will not be pursued” was not recalled by all assembled, leaving the opportunity open for another such event (see Other Business).

Because he can, Robin decided to exclude from these Minutes his query about Hamersley reserving “the right to add members of the public to our groups” because that had clearly been resolved (“catch up Dalbs”) and it would clearly cause him ongoing embarrassment.

Election of Office Bearers:
The general sentiment was “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” despite the cunningly oblique reference to a change of Constitution previously noted.

The position of Handicapper was discussed as Dennis’s availability was not assured. It was agreed that The President was the best person for the job, the decision carefully scrutinised to ensure no shadowy Morrison-like tactics.

President’s Report:
The President delivered one of the most comprehensive reports to-date perhaps with the threat of Constitutional change looming. Another very successful year with high attendances despite “war wounds” and COVID. Uncertainties at the start of the year with a change of Hamersley management proved to be unfounded with Macca to be congratulated for building strong rapport with them. Ron joined the 400 Club which now numbers 4. The Mornington Masters Memories book was fantastic with a big thank you to Robin for producing it in such a short time. The 21st Anniversary celebrations were a great success – well done Ron. Chris was thanked for organising the successful South of the River Day 1 while the Josephs were thanked for the sumptuous breakfast after the South (North) of the River event. Platinum sponsor Steve was thanked for his continued support with fixture cards, table runners and scoreboards while the Walkers were also thanked for yet another great season windup. It was time for another drink!

Treasurer’s Report:
A better than average year for attendance in 2021-22, despite COVID, our first game ever (officially) cancelled for inclement weather, and assorted bouts of ill-health, and interstate travel.

There were 176 GBW player-games played (if you include the 6 attendees on the rained-out game on 9 November) this season, compared with 147 player-games in 2020-21. This led to $85 in game subsidies compared with $48 in 2020-21. The only extraordinary but expected expenditure was the biennial Website cost of $265.

Cart subsidies of $20 were paid to each of the seven Joondalup players this season. The club has a healthy $869 to transfer to 2022-23.

Subscriptions: With a healthy carryover, it is recommended the 2022-23 subscription is set at $20. It is also strongly suggested that the platinum Sponsor be granted complimentary status in recognition of his contribution to the club
      Annual subs of $20 unanimously agreed to and that Steve be granted complimentary status.

Binningup (and Mandurah) surpluses: Bumper surpluses totalled $678 matched only by fines at Binningup in 2007-08 ($712). It is recommended that this item remain with Ron.
      It was agreed the issue of fines be kept on the backburner for now.

Golf Balls: If members are happy with the current arrangement of donating a dozen golf balls at the beginning of the season (Steve excluded), (10 X 12) 120 balls should see us through the season with Binningup/Mandurah events handled separately.
      It was unanimously agreed that each member donate a dozen golf balls at season start with Steve being granted
      complimentary status.

Playing fees at Hamersley: Hamersley have set fees for 9 holes midweek at $22 for standard games and $18 for concession players. Chris has proposed that each player be charged $20 at Hamersley thus subsidising workers for a change! Based on 2021-22 attendances, the proposal would glean $122 into club coffers and simplify payment.
      The $20 playing fee for all was unanimously agreed to.

If we’ve learnt something from this report, it’s never let Macca be holed up with too much time on his hands!

Golf Captain’s Report:
As usual all that the Golf Captain intended to talk to had already been covered by others. The expectation is for a good 2022-23 season.

Fixtures 2022-23:
The President provided a draft set of fixtures, noting that a copy had been provided to Hamersley with the draft status qualification.

Ron indicated a Binningup Open (covered in more detail in Other Business) would clash with the proposed Match Play Rd 1 on 15th November. Match Play to be moved to 8 November.

The draft is currently a 26 week season finishing mid-March. A longer season was proposed to take advantage of the warm weather noting that the season had extended to end-March in the past. The proposal was agreed to.

Playing a South West Masters was raised but discussion deferred to Other Business.

Other Business:

  • Future of the Winter Trophy. The impact of past inclement weather appeared to cast doubt on this event. It was proposed that future Winter Trophy events be played at the same time as this 2022 event which was pushed forward until later in August. The meeting expressed unanimous agreement to the proposal.
    Should a Tournament at Binningup not proceed, the President proposed a Plan B – play one game in Perth followed by the AGM.
  • Local Rules:
    – Lost Ball/Ball Out of Bounds. Club current penalty is 1 stroke. Revised Rules of Golf now provide for a 2 stroke penalty
       in both cases and the proposal was put to amend our club Local Rules to reflect the official change. Despite Walks’
       emotional plea to retain the status quo (“I hit too many into the bush and would be overly disadvantaged”), the proposal
       was passed 5 votes to 2.
    Unplayable Ball: There is currently no documented GBWGC local rule showing relief options for an unplayable ball.
       Where a player declares his ball unplayable, it’s a one stroke penalty. The relief options are to be placed on the
       website for information and reference.
       Unplayable Lie Options
    Incorrect Score Cards: Both player and marker are encouraged to take more effort/care to ensure score cards are
       consistent and correct before handing in. It was agreed that, where a scoring error(s) is(are) found, the original scores
       will stand.
    Par Bisque Countbacks: This topic raised a veritable tirade, the issue being whether the Par Bisque scores are used
       to decide countbacks, or the results are converted to Par Equivalent scores for this purpose. It was agreed that Par
       Bisque scores would be used but Par Equivalent scores used for Season Stats and Handicapping.
    Handicapping 18 Hole Events: For the purposes of determining a new handicap after completion of an 18 hole event,
       it was agreed that the 18 hole Stableford score be halved and rounded up where required. This score is used to
       determine the new handicap. An alternative approach was also suggested namely that 18 hole events be
       handicapped as two nine hole events. This method will be trialed in parallel with the agreed method above.
    South West Masters: The South West Masters was suggested as an alternative to the Mornington Masters but the
       format is not clear. The meeting agreed to leave the option open and seek comment from Les Gray who has offered
       up Club Santavea for a multi-day event – a longer format of the Mandurah Masters – as an annual event. The issue of
       a Masters tournament next year was raised. It was agreed to seek a list of potential courses and plan a “Masters”
       tournament at a date to be decided.
    Binningup Open: Confirmed by Ron as 15th to 19th November and comprising three rounds.

Meeting closed at 1823 (official Hawthorn FC clock time).


Season 2020-21

Monday 26 August 2021 at the Binningup Clubhouse

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Four Gra(e)ham(e)s and 5 others (Tom, Ron, Dennis, Les, Chris).

Robin (though Lea did send Choccies), Steve and Brian (busy with behind the scenes census activity).

Business arising:

Election of Office Bearers: Graham (more specifically, the bloke from Hamersley) to formally assume the position (his words) due to the total unreliability of the titular occupant of the position.

President’s Report: The President asserted that 2020-21 had been a terrific season – he would know because he played more games than any other member. It was noted by the meeting that having the actual President report to the meeting in person was a refreshing and long awaited change (the acting Secretary took this to be an accurate representation of history, not having been to an AGM himself for about 8 years).

The President made particular mention of the generosity of the Walkers in hosting the windup once again. As with the previous point, the acting Secretary wasn’t at the windup either, so took these comments as presented. 

The Presidents report was accepted amidst rapturous applause (Moved: Scobes, Seconded: Ronzo)

Treasurer’s Report: If Houdini was an accountant this is the report he would have delivered. It was agreed that each player should contribute ½ doz balls to the kitty for weekly trophies. A quick look at the maths of that will show that we run out of balls at about New Year. However, no one was in any condition to do maths at that stage, so there was no argument. In any case, someone always ends up with a heap of balls after Xmas and gives them to Walks anyway.

Annual subs of $20 agreed to.

Something else was also agreed but the acting Secretary’s notes were a bit garbled so that item will have to drift until someone remembers what it was.

Moved that the report be accepted: Ronzo, seconded: Tom.
The Report

Program and Fixtures: Initially proposed that the 2021/22 fixtures be adopted with any necessary minor alterations. However, Ga Little had further info on the expected new arrangements at Hamersley with the revamp of the facilities and presented some ideas which the club may need to consider (you could hear a pin drop). Essentially, it seems that Hamersley would be prepared to treat the GBWGC as “a club” and allow us to reserve 2 groups and let us pay after we finish play (like in the old days). Importantly though, they would reserve the right to add members of the public to our groups.

By comparison, Wembley may be prepared to take a different attitude and allow us to play exclusively amongst ourselves. This should be investigated further as members would rather that we did not have to play with outsiders.

Graham will keep an eye on what’s happening at Hamersley and also stay in touch with Wembley to get a clearer view of what the possibilities are.

Ron asked that the meeting recognize the commitment of Chris and Squancy for their willingness to travel the long distance to Hamersley for many seasons from their far flung abodes. Similar recognition was not afforded Brian, but you can’t think of everything. Well done all three.

Golf Report: The Captain advised that approx 6 players/week was the average attendance – comparatively good. Litts was back in the fold and was in fact the most regular attendee! There were no outstanding issues. It was noted that Araluen is “a good hit” (not to mention a good hike) and should be a regular on the fixture. Report accepted – moved Litts; seconded Jacko.

Other Business: (getting a bit messy by this stage)

  • 20th Anniversary Activities. It was proposed that 21st anniversary celebrations be planned for later this year. This is apparently to recognize the outstanding efforts of long standing players to convince Tom to join our ranks. The celebration would honour the elevation of the previous rag tag group of Tuesday enthusiasts to the much higher level of esteem associated with that fabled recruitment coup. Ron has generously offered his home as the venue with the intention of a meal being provided and partners included. A small fee would be charged to help defray costs. All agreed that this was a great idea, particularly given it was not being held at their place. Tom and Ron will confer on the details. 16 October was agreed as an interim working date.
  • Future Away Events
    – Binningup Open. A number of possible dates in November were discussed and it was agreed
       that 2 – 5 Nov were the preferred dates. Because these dates include Melbourne Cup Day, a
       special trophy was proposed. The needs of those members with a spiritual connection to the first
       Tuesday in November were not considered. Disappointing.
    – Mornington Masters: Many alternatives were suggested, including the obvious one of returning
       to Mornington with a revised residency plan. Other options floated included Murray River, Thailand and
       Queensland. This is an issue for, probably, 2023 at the earliest.
    – Mandurah Masters: Les indicated that he would be happy to host a 2-3 day Mandurah Masters,
       based on previous arrangements.
    – South West Masters: Will not be pursued.

It was generally agreed that we should continue to make tentative plans for 2-3 years ahead. Keeping wives in the loop was seen as an effective tactic to achieve good numbers, whatever is decided.

Meeting closed at 1843. (There is no record of what time it opened).


Season 2019-20

Tuesday 22 September 2020 at the Hamersley Golf Course

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R. Allardice, R. Dalby, C. Jackson, T. Joseph, G. Little, G. McLennan, B. Pink, G. Squance, G. Walker.

S. Allardice, D. Scoble

Minutes of the 2019 AGM: Accepted as a true record of the collective brain power available at the time.  Moved: C. Jackson; Seconded: G. Walker

Business arising:

  • Confirmation of Ron Allardice as holding the official position of "Curator of Trophies". Members were thanked for the return of trophies for presenting at the meeting;
  • The Mandurah Masters Trophy has been permanently lost, left on a hire bus by persons who shall remain anonymous;
  • The $50 Subscriptions payment is considered a one-off;
  • The 'Lucky' Buddha (for best clubman) given out at the Binningup Open was noted as still missing.

Election of Office Bearers: The incumbent President queried rumours about moves to unseat him. However the stony silence and general malaise about rotating the chairs prevailed but not before the President was assured that the current Secretary, Treasurer and Captain were happy to continue in their respective roles – which they were.

President’s Report: Short and sweet – “I’m extremely happy with the way the club is progressing” (or words to that effect).

Treasurer’s Report: The Balance of Funds at 30 June 20 was a healthy $597.

It was suggested that the annual subscriptions be put back to $20 after a $50 fee was agreed to last year. It was also commented that it should be either $20 or no subscription, the latter option discounted by the need to consider the possible need to subsidise away events. Round fees were also discussed and agreed that workers continue to pay $20 while the non-workers fee will reduce from $16 to $15 for ease of money handling.
The following proposal was put:
"That the annual subscription be $20 and that green fees be $15.00 retirees (subsidised $1.00); Workers: $20". The proposal was Moved: G. Little; Seconded: C. Jackson and unanimously agreed to.

Website costs not due until end July 2021 and estimated at $250.

Captain’s Report: The Captain expressed concerns about numbers being down (and some turning up at the wrong course!). Maximum attendance last season was 7 compared with 10 the previous season.

A suggestion was put that we invite a few extra people to participate in our club golf. It was commented that there had been a similar action taken in the past without success. There was general agreement that we see how the season progresses before considering the suggestion further.

More golf balls are required to see out the season. It was suggested and agreed to that each member donate 6 balls (preferably SRIXON Green Soft).

Golf Program 2020-21: Mr. McLennan described his 2020-21 fixtures as “steady as she goes”, noting:

  • A thank you to Steve for the score cards;
  • Binningup as being confirmed;
  • South of the River event was very successful;

Other Business:

  • 20th Anniversary Activities. It was agreed that some activity should be organised to recognise a club Anniversary. Mr. Ron Allardice agreed to investigate and propose an Anniversary activity – either a function or a game with trophy. Such an activity would be planned to celebrate the club’s 21st Anniversary
  • Future Away Events.
    –  Binningup Events:
    Storm damage repairs to the Southern Clubhouse are almost at sign-off
        stage. On the proviso that the repairs are cleared, the Binningup Open will be a 5 night event,
        from Thursday 12th to Tuesday 17th  November
    –  Mornington Masters 8: Mr Allardice advised two issues affecting MM8: the Eastern Clubhouse
        is up for sale; and COVID 19. With MM8 accommodation now an issue, in the aftermath of the
        President bawling at Mr Allardice “Don’t bring me problems, bring me solutions”, Mr Allardice
        devised an alternative accommodation option should COVID restrictions not be an issue next
        March. He identified an air bnb “Beauty and the Beast” in Rosebud. Cost: $5,985 + extras or
        approx. $500/head. The event is proposed to run from Saturday 27th February to Sunday 7th
        March with Wednesday a rest day.
     – Other Suggestions: Should Mornington not proceed Mr Joseph suggested Plan B – a golfing
        week in the South West
    to include Dunsborough, Margaret River, Busselton and Augusta. Also
        mentioned were Pemberton and Donnybrook. Bus hire suggested. Mr Joseph to investigate
        available courses and accommodation. Mr Dalby to seek information about accommodation
        and courses played by another Club for their South West Open and advise.
        Mr. Allardice also advised that Les Gray would kindly make Club Santavea available if that
        would assist in planning for such an event.
  • Other.
      Match Play: Noted that Messrs Joseph, Jackson and R Allardice will not be available for the
        Match Play event
    –  Milestone Certificates: These have been framed to-date but the meeting agreed that they be
        laminated in the future

 Meeting closed at 9.25 a.m.


Season 2018-19

Saturday 20 July 2019 at the Southern Clubhouse

Print a copy

R. Allardice, R. Dalby, C. Jackson, T. Joseph, G. McLennan. Les Gray was a casual and bemused observer.

B. Pink, D. Scoble, G. Squance, G. Walker

Minutes of the 2018 AGM: Accepted as a true record of the organised chaos that is the hallmark of GBW AGMs.
Moved: R. Allardice; Seconded: C. Jackson

Business arising:

  • The nominee for the official post of "Curator of Trophies" Graeme Squance appears to not have taken up the position. After some debate, Ron Allardice threw a hand in the air and volunteered to take up the position which was unanimously agreed to;
  • The 'Lucky' Buddha (for best clubman) given out at the Binningup Open was noted as missing. No one has come forward with it much to the President-elect's extreme disappointment.

Election of Office Bearers: What would normally be a fait accompli and accorded a distinct lack of interest was turned on its head. Disbelief reigned as the request was put for those interested in taking on a new position or who were pissed off with their current position. Sanity quickly returned as the discussion returned in explosive fashion to the only newsworthy issue, with murmurs abounding about a bloody Idi Amin-type coup to unseat the President. As most would have fainted at the sight of blood, a coup was doomed and discussion among the unruly element ceased. Committee positions to remain as is save for the members left to ponder the proposed new Presidential title "President Emeritus".

President’s Report: A ghostly voice echoed the words "A wonderful year. Though not physically present, I do report favourably on the club, it's members and it's activities without identifying any particular highlights". A minutes silence followed.

Treasurer’s Report: Stepping bravely into the breach, the Treasurer declared that the Balance of Funds at 30 June 19 was just $118, a situation $10 worse off than presented in the written finance report.

The Treasurer put the following proposal, noting that he predicted the club would run out of money by Christmas if not adopted:
"That the $20 annual subscription be reintroduced and that green fees remain as is even if course fees increase, currently
Retireds: $15.00 (subsidised $0.50); Workers: $20 (paying an extra $0.50)".

A further proposal from the floor was to increase this season's subscription to $50. This subsequent proposal was Moved: R Allardice; Seconded: R. Dalby and unanimously agreed to.

Captain’s Report: The Captain wanted it known that this was a proper Captain's Report prepared in joint discussion with the Home Captain. Both are happy chappies sharing the home/away responsibilities. Points raised were:
  • Club Rules
    Confirmed that we stay with those used to-date;
  • Local Rule
    Confirmed that Mr McLennan's suggestion that a ball lying in any "slush" at Sanctuary be moved to a dry spot no nearer the hole be adopted
  • Fixtures
    Praised as a very eclectic program with a nice mix of events;
  • Mornington Masters 7
    Praised as being "very slick" and the best yet;
  • Further Praise
    Mr Walker congratulated for his work behind the scenes in support of the Away Captain.

Further praise followed with Mr Allardice praising the report as one of the most pathetic in the club's history, deserving of the NACA title (Not a Captain's Ar__le). Moved: C. Jackson; Seconded: R. Allardice that the report be accepted, buried and never referred to again. Carried unanimously.

Golf Program 2019-20: Mr. McLennan tabled yet another innovative draft set of 2019-20 fixtures, key points being:

  • A new event, the Melbourne Cup, for the 1st Tuesday in November. A new trophy was suggested which Mr McLennan offered to donate. Moved: R Allardice; Seconded: T. Joseph;
  • Christmas Cup date discussed and agreed that it be played on the 17th December to maximise attendance. Retain an official fixture on the 24th for those who are available;
  • South of the River dates (New Years Eve and 7 January) to be kept as proposed;
  • Mandurah Masters 3 agreed to be played Friday 20 March to Sunday 22 March with Stableford using handicaps as the format;
  • Not the Burswood Trophy. Agreed to be run over 18 holes at a different course each year

Other Business:

  • Mornington Masters 8. Two proposals put forward by the current Masters champion:
    – Drop Bay Views Golf Course and play Rosebud Country Club;
    – Consider another course instead of Dunes.

Meeting closed at 10.20 p.m. with Mr R. Allardice and the casual observer still cosher.


Season 2017-18

Saturday 14 July 2018 at the Southern Clubhouse

Print a copy

R. Allardice, R. Dalby, C. Jackson, T. Joseph, G. McLennan, D. Scoble, G. Squance, G. Walker

None (All too tired to think of any)

Minutes of the 2017 AGM: Accepted as a true and worthy record of the brilliant, informative and accurate note-taking.
Moved: T. Joseph; Seconded: C. Jackson

Business arising: Nil (as we've come to expect).

Election of Office Bearers: Appears to be a redundant Agenda item due to lack of interest. The only question considered was the perennial issue of the club President. The Secretary thought better of recording the blasphemous comments on the grounds that the club finances couldn't afford the legal costs.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer threw himself at the mercy of the meeting, declaring that accounting from 6th February on was complicated by problems with a 'missing' spreadsheet. However he did announce that:

  • Total Income (including a $170 surplus from Mandurah) was $1,226;
  • Income from game levies had increased from $29 to $37.

The Treasurer indicated the need to consider the level of weekly fees (currently $15 non-workers; $20 workers) but the meeting agreed that they remain the same unless Hamersley increased their green fees. Moved:  C. Jackson; Seconded: D. Scoble

Captain’s Report: In one of the most comprehensive reports in recent memory, the Captain noted that:

  • Golf Balls
    – 5 dozen already purchased for $22/doz (SRIXONs) and now 8 dozen in stock;
    – Messrs. McLennan and Joseph declared their intentions to make ball donations;
    – The Captain to liaise with Ron Allardice before purchasing MM7 stocks.
  • Trophies
    – There is a need to know the location of all trophies. Many were missing from this season's windup presentations;
    – The location of the 'Lucky' Buddha (for best clubman) given out at the Binningup Open was queried with no one able to answer the query;
    – A proposal to create the official post of "Curator of Trophies" was put to a lukewarm reception. Graeme Squance
    nominated for the position which was unanimously agreed to.

Golf Program 2018-19: Mr. McLennan tabled an innovative draft set of 2018-19 fixtures noting that:

  • The varying holiday dates dictated the placement of Christmas/New Year period games and the Joondalup Classic date;
  • Two South of the River days included, one at Collier Park which would double as Visitors Day; the other at Point Walter. Consideration needs to given as to a trophy for this event;
  • The Christmas Cup and breakfast at Wembley confirmed as good.

Other Business:

  • Mornington Masters 7. To be played 2 to 9 March 2019. Courses voted for at the previous Masters were:
    – National Ocean
    – St Andrews
    – Eagle Ridge
    – Moonah Legends
    – Rosebud Public
    – Cape Schanck.
    The majority vote was to not play the same course twice as was done at MM6.
    A proposal to play a regular, known course on the last day which must count toward the final score was unanimously agreed to. Moonah was proposed as that course with St Andrews an alternative. First need to establish if and when the generous Jack family would be hosting us for lunch and book whichever course would provide compatible teeoff times.
  • Clothing. Agreed that the four Mandurah boys be emailed to determine if they would like GBW shirts - both home and away - and shirt size.

Meeting closed at 10.00 p.m. with Mr R. Allardice notably absent.


Season 2016-17

Saturday 29 July 2017 at the Southern Clubhouse

Print a copy

R. Allardice, G. McLennan, G. Squance, C. Jackson, T. Joseph, R. Dalby, G. Walker,

D. Scoble, S. Allardice. (Tom also apologised for anything Ron might say.)

Minutes of the 2016 AGM: Accepted as an inventive, believable and true record of the Quorum that comprised the Forum.
Moved:  C. Jackson; Seconded: G. McLennan

Business arising: Nil (in accordance with past practices).

Election of Office Bearers: The following Motion was put: That, based on the age of the group assembled, we should be electing pall bearers. The motion lapsed.

All positions were symbolically declared vacant and the principle of having a current position ‘...for life...’ was reaffirmed with all positions declared filled by the previous incumbents.

Questions were raise about “Who is the Captain?” and “What does the Captain do?” but remain unanswered due to the difficult nature of the concept.

Treasurer’s Report: The season opening balance of $1,513 was the largest in the club’s history. The Treasurer noted that:

  • Game levies were down due to decreased attendances;
  • Fines and other fund raising mainly comprised the Binningup and MM6 surpluses;
  • The two biggest expenditure items were $960 MM6 (Trophies and meals) and $328 Joondalup and Collier (cart subsidies);
  • Website domain cost due ($25 subsequently paid in 2017-18 year);
  • 2017-18 levies to be adjusted if necessary should any course fee increases be forthcoming.

No subscriptions were payable in 2016-17 and none proposed for 2017-18. Moved:  R. Allardice; Seconded: Tom Joseph

The Treasurer was lauded for his talents at producing a closing Balance of Funds of $619.00 from out of thin air.

Captain’s Report: Another déjà vu moment with great confusion about “Who is the Captain?” and who should speak to the report. Mr G. Walker, with “home” affiliations, promised to try harder to get next season’s scores correct thus initiating the club’s first ever “Captains Pledge”. A very quiet Mr. T. Joseph, known to have tenuous “away” connections, was strangely quiet, prompting the Secretary to note on behalf of the members that it was a totally under the top Captain’s Report for such an over the top golf club.

Golf Program 2017-18: Mr. McLennan tabled a draft set of 2017-18 fixtures and was thanked for a minimum of Par rounds. Comments on the program included:

  • Mandurah Masters format was queried. Stroke play with no handicaps generated much heated discussion but it was agreed to retain that format after Mr. R Allardice stressed our host Les Gray’s perspective i.e. play golf to the least number of strokes regardless of ability;
  • “Breakfast at Steves” for the Christmas Cup not certain but we should stay positive on this;
  • Golden Putter: timing depends on sanding of greens. A suggestion that the Golden Putter be decided over putts taken on all Stroke rounds was not supported on the basis that doing so would hold up the game.

Other Business:

  • Mornington Masters 7. Mr, Allardice advised that the Eastern Seaboard Clubhouse is to remain in the family and has suggested that planning proceed as normal. Also stated that numbers be restricted to a maximum of 12 players
  • Clothing. Advised that there were no clothing requirements at this time.

Meeting closed at 9.50 p.m. with Mr Allardice still coherent.


Season 2015-16

Saturday 23 July 2016 at the Southern Clubhouse

Print a copy

R. Allardice, G. McLennan, G. Squance, C. Jackson, T. Joseph, R. Dalby.

D. Scoble, G. Walker, S. Allardice

Minutes of the 2015 AGM: Accepted as an insightful and true record of the Quorum Forum.
Moved: T. Joseph; Seconded: G. McLennan

Business arising: Nil.

Election of Office Bearers: All positions were symbolically declared vacant and, to quote the Great Man: "You know the drill". The mantra of having a current position ‘...for life...’ was reaffirmed and all positions declared filled by the previous incumbents.

Mr. Jackson (rarely referred to in such polite manner) proposed that 12 years be the maximum penalty for holding the same position. After a moment of deathly silence, it was agreed never to mention the 'elephant in the room' in respect of positions at which point the elephant tamer took the chair as President-Elect.

Treasurer’s Report: The season started with a significant bottom line Balance of Funds of $978.00. No change to the annual subscription was proposed. The Treasurer noted that:

  • Game levies were down due to lower attendances; an increase in course fees; and more retirees who pay a lower weekly levy;
  • Fines and Raffles are now included in Binningup Surplus but still represent a sizeable amount;
  • 2016-17 levies to be determined once course fees are known and whether a change of course is required should the Hamersley construction work go ahead.

The sitting Treasurer received a standing ovation for his magnificent manipulation of the club wallet that produced a closing Balance of Funds of $1,513.00.

Captain’s Report: The season golf calendar was praised in glowing terms and the 2015 AGM words of Home Captain Walker were reiterated: “We came; we went; all good otherwise”. Importantly, the away program was enriched by the intervention of Mr. Ron Allardice (rarely referred to in such polite manner) in negotiating the Mandurah Masters highlight. The position of Mr Walker as Home Captain was confirmed as was Mr Joseph as the "pretender".

Golf Program 2016-17: This item was mot notable for a complete lack of any fixtures proposed for the 2016-17 season. It was agreed that Mr. McLennan and Mr. Dalby meet to draw up a set of fixtures and that they be provided to Mr. Steve Allardice by August 2016 for printing. For 2016-17, it was agreed that:

  • Bingle, Bangle Bongle and the Snake be deleted;
  • A draft program be prepared and circulated for discussion.

Mornington Masters 6: To be played from Sunday 5 March to Friday 10 March. Arrive Saturday 4 March and depart Saturday 11 March.

Royal Melbourne is under consideration pending Graham Jack's availability. There could be up to 12 starters for the event.

Other Business:

  1. Binningup Open 2016. Aiming to keep numbers to around 12 maximum. Left to Mr. Ron Allardice to make the decision about participants pending numbers indicating their availability for the event
  2. Augusta Masters. The same Mr. Allardice presented for consideration a handout detailing a tour to the 2017 US Masters with Qantas Golf Club and Elite Sporting Tours. Cost is around $13,500 plus air fares and transfers - could be $20,000 all up;
  3. Clothing. More home shirts are required. This issue to be looked at closer to the Mornington event.
  4. Golf in Thailand. The suggestion of a golfing trip to Thailand with its cost and golf experience advantages was discussed with some enthusiasm, and personal experience. At least 5 members expressed an interest.

Meeting closed at 10.25 p.m., all amazed that Mr Allardice was still awake.


Season 2014-15

Saturday 18 July 2015 at the Southern Clubhouse

Print a copy

R. Allardice, S. Allardice, G. McLennan, G. Walker, C. Jackson, T. Joseph, R. Dalby.

D. Scoble, G. Squance

Minutes of the 2014 AGM: Accepted as a superbly true record of the Non-Quorum Forum.
Moved: R. Allardice; Seconded: C. Jackson

Business arising: Nil.

Election of Office Bearers: All positions were not declared vacant and, after virtually no discussion but with reaffirmation of the meaning of ‘...for life...’, all positions were immediately declared filled by the previous incumbents.

Treasurer’s Report: “Fines and Raffles” of $467.00 made a significant contribution to a bottom line Balance of Funds of $978.00. The Treasurer to issue a Mornington Masters financial history for analysis of year-to-year performance for discussion. No need seen to run the balance down but, instead, build up to Mornington Masters VI.

Captain’s Reports: Home Captain Walker, still shocked after no one took on the Home Captain’s role issued the following proclamation: “We came; we went; all good otherwise”. The Away Captain waxed lyrical “The away program was rich, eclectic and culminated in the best golf at Mornington”.

Golf Program 2015-16: The season to open on 22 September 2015. Several updates to the previous season’s program:

  • Binningup Open: 13 to 16 November;
  • Christmas Cup to be played at Hamersley with Steve offering to hold the traditional breakfast at his home;
  • A “Not the Mornington Masters” to be played in lieu of “Not the Burswood Trophy” at Mandurah in April. Steve to organise golf and accommodation

G. McLennan to finalise the draft 2015-16 playing program for R. Dalby to finalise and dispatch to the Platinum Sponsor for printing.

Mornington Masters: Two issues were discussed:

  • Alternatives to a Mornington Masters were canvassed in great detail with two options agreed upon – Gold Coast or Thailand. A first step would be to survey members to determine their preferences/intentions before costing the preferred option. Steve volunteered to undertake the necessary research provided  commitment is made by a majority of members. A year is yet to be determined;
  • MM6 in 2017. All courses have been selected.

Novelty side competitions: The idea of a few season novelty competitions was discussed with agreement reached for Bingle, Bongle Bangle to be played three times and a “Snake” competition to also be considered.


Season 2013-14

(now known as the Non-Quorum Forum)

Saturday 23 August 2014 at the Southern Clubhouse

R. Allardice, G. McLennan, G. Walker, C. Jackson, T. Joseph.

Too few to mention

Decisions arrived at by various means were as follows:

Minutes of the 2013 AGM: Accepted and noted that all decisions had been put in place successfully – especially the Ronzo Ball Hawk roving commission!
Election of Office Bearers: All positions were declared vacant and, after much discussion of the meaning of ‘...for life...’, all positions were immediately declared filled by the previous incumbents!
Treasurer’s Report: Barely discussed, but no change to annual Subs ($20pp) and financial matters to carry on regardless.
Captains’ Report: – Not presented owing to the confusion and profusion of Captains.
Golf Program 2014-15: G.McLennan to put together discussed amendments to the draft 2014-15 playing program for R.Dalby to finalise and dispatch to our Platinum Sponsor asap. At this stage, the 2014-15 season is to be played at the traditional Hamersley home unless timing becomes untenable; the season to roughly follow the 2013-14 format from 23 September 2014 to 24 April 2015.
MM5 - Mornington Masters 2015: All go following discussion of maximum numbers and the possible need for supplementary accommodation. Ron has gathered information for Steve on preferred courses for Mornington Ride 5.
Apparel upgrade: To be undertaken by R.Allardice.

A vote of thanks to Secretary Dalby for his fine preparatory work for this meeting.


Season 2012-13

Saturday 27 July 2013 at the Southern Clubhouse

G. Little, R. Allardice, G. McLennan, G. Walker, C. Jackson, T. Joseph, G. Squance.

D. Scoble, R. Dalby, S. Allardice

Decisions made at the Annual General Discourse (a non-AGM apparently) were as follows:

  • No change in Office Bearers;
  • Annual membership fees back to $20; the reduction in annual fees will result in less subsidies for cart hire, etc., which means that non-regular players will not be over-subsidising regular players;
  • Consideration to be given to a possible “few week” extension to the end of Season 2013-2014 when framing next season’s fixtures;
  • Differential worker/senior game fees to continue as appropriate in line with Royal Hamersley prices;
  • The provision of balls by each member has been replaced by the bestowing of a roving commission on Ball Hawk Ronzo to procure suitable balls at bargain prices as he sees fit.


Season 2011-12

Saturday 28 July 2012 at the Southern Clubhouse

Print a copy

G. Little, R. Allardice, S. Allardice, G. McLennan, G. Walker, C. Jackson, T. Joseph, R. Dalby.

D. Scoble.

Minutes of 2008-09 AGM
Read and accepted (after subtle confusion about the correct reference year) – moved Tom/seconded Macca. 

Business arising
The issue of Robin’s Secretarial and Webmistress workload was discussed. It was agreed:

  • that the duties should be separated and considered during the election of office bearers;
  • Action: that writing of the weekly reports during the season should be shared amongst members, though consideration would need to be given to those still gainfully employed and therefore somewhat time-poor.

Election of Office Bearers
In a fashion reminiscent of previous AGMs, most incumbents were accepting of maintaining the status quo. Three positions were subsequently the subject of discussion and the following agreed:

  • Captain – To be shared between Graham Walker for State-based games, and Tom Joseph when competing interstate;
  • Secretary – Graham Little leapt bravely into the Secretary’s seat;
  • Webmistress – Robin Dalby eased gently into this newly created position.

Treasurers Report
Moneybags Macca put paid to Wayne Swan’s claim as the world’s greatest Treasurer by producing a lovely, though reduced, set of numbers. Points to note:

  • game levies are down, though the final figure of $37.50 was after deducting player subsidies made in the Christmas Cup round;
  • Action: income from fines was nil for the first time in at least six years. Recommended they be reinstated (and the same significant contributors picked on);
  • need to carefully consider which courses we play when away from the home course particularly costs associated with away venues;
  • Action: In a bid to stabilise costs, the Treasurer put the following motion:
    “Subscriptions be increased to $50 and the game levy be $20 for the workers and $15 for seniors”. The motion was carried unanimously.

Captain’s Report

  • Walks noted that attendances were down, exacerbated by injuries, jobbed retirees, etc. but put it down to a “one-off”;
  • The suggestion was made to invite a new member into the club but, after some debate, this was not seen as necessary.

Golf Program 2012-13

  • A set of draft fixtures was presented, discussed and approved without change;
  • Suggestion that the season be extended into April was not taken up;
  • Action: Alternative suggestion that extra games be played after the end of the official season and:
    –  games to be counted in the official club statistics
    –  handicaps to be recalculated after each of these games;
  • Action: Need to query sanding/spraying times at Hamersley.
Mornington Masters 2013
Sensitive Steve launched into a detailed diatribe on the conduct of the 2013 Mornington Masters. He noted that:
  • Mornington Jacko would not be participating in the golf but would again host the windup party;
  • With Jacko absent from golf, a special rate could not be negotiated at National (cost could now be $175) and the course would not be on next year’s program;
  • 13th Beach is also off the program – cost of the van on the ferry and it’s too long a day.
Involving Steve then appeared and introduced the meeting to 10 cups (numbered 1 – best course; to 10 – worst course). Each member received an envelope containing a slip for each proposed course and voted for their preferences. Steve will use the results to help decide final selections.

Other Business

  • Heritage numbers
    Graham Little introduced a members list in the order in which each had joined the club. A commemorative plaque bearing each players Heritage Number was presented to each member to wild applause;
  • Special “Cultural” presentation
    Ron Allardice was presented with an “Oscar” in recognition of his very well deserved “Outstanding Contribution to GBWGC Culture”. It was a tear-jerking affair, met with much applause and another shot of whiskey;
  •  “Things for Consideration”
    Ron put forward a list of issues to be considered by the meeting. Some are covered above. Other issues included:
     Action: Weekly Birdie Jackpots: Though “Jackpots per hole per season” was not adopted, it was decided that:
    –  There will be no Birdies Nest;
    –  There will be a ball for any birdie;
    –  There will be 3 golf balls for an Eagle.
    Life Membership: Not seen as applicable to the club. Seen as having the potential to split members. What, in fact, does it mean (we’re all life members)
    Action: Grand Master: Given official status by the meeting (winner of all 17 trophies)
    Slams: Not discussed
    Action: Burswood Trophy: Decision on its future yet to be decided. Check timing and extent of course closure.
  • Action: Season Ball Donations
    It was agreed that each member provide 2 dozen golf balls at the start of the season.
  • Honour Board
    Donative Steve unveiled a club Honour Board, a listing which officially recognizes the order in which players joined the club.

Meeting closed at 6.50 p.m.


Season 2009-10

Annual General Meeting
Conduct of the 2009–10 season
Decision on Dress Shirts

  © 2009. The GBWGC website is powered by the